Outlined below are precautions we are taking to remain covid safe.
Find the most current information at: https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19
- Symptoms and testing
- Physical distancing
- The COVIDSafe app speeds up contacting people exposed to COVID-19.
- Information below current from 17 August 2020.
Stay at home when unwell
Don’t attend the dojo if you are unwell.
Parents and guardians of students under 18 agree not to attend the dojo if they are unwell themselves and to ensure students under 18 who are unwell do not attend the dojo.
Instructors will politely and respectfully require you to leave if you are sick.
If a student under 18 is sick we will contact a parent or guardian to collect them. The student will be monitored outside the dojo until a parent or guardian arrives.
Practise good hygiene when at the dojo
In addition to the requirements of the Student code of conduct:
- Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly.
- Wash your hands or use hand sanitiser on arrival at the dojo.
- Cover your cough or sneeze using your elbow or a tissue.
- Immediately dispose of tissues and wash your hands or use hand sanitiser after coughing or sneezing.
- Ensure you bring your own water bottle and tenugui (hand towel/cloth) to training.
See Practising good hygiene for more information.
Maintain physical distance
Please avoid physical contact except as required for training:
- Avoid shaking hands. Use non-contact greetings.
- Maintain social distancing of 1.5 m on arrival and departure, socialising before and after class, getting changed, and when setting up and packing up.
- Consider wearing part or all of your training clothes to and from the dojo.
- If you prefer to train without physical contact please let the instructor and your training partners know. Your decision will be respected and factored into training.
- Wear a face mask in the dojo including during training.
- Please wear a face mask travelling to and from the dojo by pubic transport.
Minimise high-impact aerobic training
As we have returned to physical training in the dojo we will continue to exercise caution. Someone who is sweating profusely, breathing heavily and taking high-impact ukemi is likely to shed more virus if they are carrying it unwittingly. Let’s avoid high-impact aerobic training and ukemi until restrictions are further lifted.
Ensure high contact surfaces, such as door handles and light switches, are cleaned with disinfectant wipes provided.
Wipe down wooden weapons before and after training with alcohol supplied. Ensure your hands are clean (washed or sanitised) before handling weapons.
Record keeping
Visitors to the dojo are required to provide contact information using the Dojo attendance record.